In the Studio!

Lorna Marrison Lorna Marrison

Sketching the Radcliffe Camera: A Diary of a Creative Journey

As I put down my pen, I reflect on the transformative power of art. It has the ability to freeze time, to preserve moments, and to evoke emotions long after the moment has passed. The Radcliffe Camera, now immortalised in ink, will serve as a reminder of the beauty and inspiration that surrounds us.

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Lorna Marrison Lorna Marrison

The Joy of Creation: Exploring Oxfordshire Through Pen and Ink

I have always been captivated by the intricate details and expressive lines that can be achieved with pen and ink. With this in mind, I have set out on a creative endeavor to produce a series of pen and ink drawings that will showcase the diverse landscapes, architectural gems, and vibrant people of Oxfordshire.

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Keith Marrison Keith Marrison

Lorna marrison’s Print store

Lorna Marrison, a talented artist known for her vibrant and expressive paintings, has just announced the opening of her online print store. This new venture is sure to excite her fans and provide them with a convenient way to purchase high-quality reproductions of her work.

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Lorna Marrison Lorna Marrison

“I own a solace shut within my heart …”

News this week is that the Oxfordshire Artweeks Festival is not going ahead due to the Coronavirus pandemic. I am disappointed as this was going to be my first exhibition for a couple of years. My work has been changing direction from portraits of the village to being more a fantasy world. “Deep breath”… having to use a manual wheel chair has restricted my physical roaming but my imagination has expanded my world.

So next year will have to be bigger and better

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Lorna Marrison Lorna Marrison

Studio Table

An oak table facing the garden is where I work. The further the project develops the more crowded the table becomes. I put down a brush and pick a pencil, then I can not find the brush. I try to be organised …

When a picture is done all the equipment is put away and the empty table is polished. Reay for the next picture.

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